Juniper Berries

2.79 $

Category: 1

Klekovača The most famous brandy, made from juniper berries, when you say you’re from Bajina Basta everyone asks you about Klekovača. Widely famous and known for its unique taste and aroma. And about the nutritional values and other characteristics, it is superfluous to say anything, considering that the juniper stalk itself does not grow below 800 m above sea level. It can be used in hundreds of known ways; information about Juniper berries can be found everywhere, but what you didn’t know is time to find out…/n/nIf men knew the strength and healing power of these berries, every morning on an empty stomach, they would eat one berry, and forget for all time what could ‘God forbid’ happen to their prostate


100 g


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Juniper Berries
2.79 $